Re: How can i play MP3?

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 17:10:28 PST, Vahid Zahiri <v_zahiri yahoo com>  said:
>  i want Play Mp3 in gtk.
>   how can i do this?

Short answer:  You don't do it in gtk.  gtk is the *GRAPHICS* tool kit.

You are of course free to write a program that talks to the sound card,
or esound, or alsa, or NAS, or OSS, or whatever, and that happens to
use gtk to display things on the screen as it plays the audio.

Or you can just install 'xmms' and see if that does it for you...

(I just checked - this isn't in and probably should be)

				Valdis Kletnieks
				Computer Systems Senior Engineer
				Virginia Tech

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