Re: issues about modal dialogs

>I checked it out and tested it..
>Yes, it resembles what i wanted to do, but:
>1) (more important) If I have window "main_window", and window 
>"edit_entry_window", and one of them pops up a question dialog, i can set the 
>dialog transient only for one of them, and the other window will be 
>able to hide the question dialog...

thats right. modal behaviour is a contentious issue in the unix
world. several people argue fairly convincingly that its very bad UI
design to ever use modal windows. as a result of the disagreements,
support for fully-modal GUIs is not really there. there really isn't a
way to force a WM to stack windows in a particular order and keep them
that way. the best you can do is to use transitive transient-for
relationships and/or hide all decorations and explicitly raise windows
to the top of the WM stack (or rather, ask it to do so, since it may
not :)

>2) (less important) It keeps the window ontop, but allows the user to focus 
>another window (always speaking within the same application process), that 
>differs from win32's behaviour and it is weird because it looks more a 
>"always on top" situation instead of a "modal" situation.

you still need to make the window modal as well. sorry, i should have
mentioned that. gtk_window_set_modal() will do that.


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