Re: Regarding relaunching an executable

Jyothi <jyothi ncoretech com> writes: 
> Is there any method to activate an already running exectuable.....

You can activate an already running window, assuming you can figure
out how to get its Xlib window ID - I don't know how you would get
that though, you'd need to come up with some IPC method from the
executable to its parent.

The activation is done via a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message as described
Unfortunately a) you will need to know Xlib programming and b) I don't
think wmx supports the WM spec. So it will ignore your

> Is this an issue of gtk , gdk or wmx. If it is an issue of wmx,  how can
> I do this ??. Are there any examples of this sort ??..

It's an issue of getting your program to communicate with wmx and the
program you want to activate, and adding this feature to wmx. It's not
a GTK issue no.

> I also want the name of the application opened in the Desktop , How can
> I do that??. Exmples for that ????.

The WM spec provides _NET_CLIENT_LIST but I don't think wmx supports
that either.

To use the WM spec you might look at "libwnck" in GNOME CVS for
example code, though the example code is based on GTK 1.3.x:


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