Re: about GdkEventFocus and ...........?


¶À¼y Kason Huang <kasonhuang kinposh com cn> writes:

> anyone could tell me two member variables of meaning in struct GdkEventFocus of gtk source code.
> source code as following:
> struct _GdkEventFocus
> {
>    GdkEventType type;
>    GdkWindow *window;
>    gint8 send_event;  ----------->what meaning?
>    gint16 in;   ---------------------->what meaning?
> }

this maps pretty close to X11, so reading the XFocusChangeEvent docs may

send_event:   TRUE if this came from a SendEvent request
in        :   TRUE for FocusIn, FALSE for FocusOut

Salut, Sven

BTW: Could you try to send emails with shorter lines? Your mails are hard
     to read which makes it less probable that someone takes the time to
     answer them.

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