

I'm using the g_strdup() function provided by glib, which is suppose to duplicate a string, to update a file name string stored in a gchar* from a GtkEntry. In fact, it's a member of a my class, so I pass it in the constructor:

ParameterFile::ParameterFile(GtkWidget* parent, gchar* param)

 _file_name = param;
 _File_entry = 0; //It's created later

 _value_changed = 0;


I've connected the "activate" signal of the GtkEntry used show/enter the file name. In my callback I call a member function Update():

  gchar *ch;

  ch = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(_File_entry)));

  _value_changed = (strcmp(_file_name, ch) != 0);

  if (_value_changed) {
    if (_file_name != 0) g_free(_file_name);
    _file_name = g_strdup(ch);


If I call g_print("post-g_strdup %s\n",_filename); it shows me the correct value.

If I call it in my main.cpp the value passed to the constructor, where the strign should be stored, points whereever it my be, but not where I want..

In my main.cpp, just testing, I use:

 gchar* _wrl_name = g_strdup("default.wrl");
 ParameterFile* entry_param = new ParameterFile(parent, _wrl_name);


And a button that prints _wrl_name if clicked.

What's going wrong? Can I pass _wrl_name to my constructor or do I have to pass gchar**?


Someday I'll beat pointers...

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