Re: ?? warning: ANSI C++ forbids implicit conversion from `void * ' in initialization ???

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 10:22:24 EST, Mark Mielke said:

> Just like, one should be able to assume that "p++" and "--p" should
> always work, although very strictly one cannot. The following code:
>     char s[100];
>     char *p = &s[-2];
>     p[2];
> May not actually work on some systems. Why? Because C only guarantees that
> s[-1] will work.
> I've never stumbled on one of these machines, but I suspect these
> limitations may apply to systems without a real OS underneath them,
> such as the Palm Pilot.

Actually, it's not necessarily "without a real OS".   There have existed
weird architectures that have strange views on memory access (see the Intel
432, or IBM's S/38-AS/400 series, for example), where memory is referenced
in an object-oriented manner enforced by the hardware.  On these types
of machines, dereferencing p[2] is safe *only* if p is referenced through
a pointer that accesses a descriptor that says "yes, this is an array of
at least 3 in size".

And of course, trying to assign p a value of &s[-2] gets you a SIGSEGV or
moral equivalent, because s is a pointer to a descriptor that limits the
array to indices 0 through 99.

And I believe everybody's favorite CISC system, the DEC VAX, had a BOUNDS
instruction that checked if a pointer was within limits - and there's no
reason why a compiler couldn't/shouldn't have included a BOUNDS opcode in
the computation of &s[-2].  I believe the Intel x86 series has a similar
opcode, but I am *NOT* positive of that....

				Valdis Kletnieks
				Computer Systems Senior Engineer
				Virginia Tech

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