controlling container sizes

I'm laying out a window in Glade and have it divided up into several
sections. However, I can't control the size (width, height) of a
specific section. I could use the fixed layout widget, but all the docs
I've read say not to use it except on specific needs.

Let me show you some examples.

The first link is the window, the second shows the widget tree for that

I've used vertical and horizontal separator widgets in the vbox and
hbox. It splits the window in exactly half (used the middle item). It
would be nice if I could make the left side smaller than the right
without doing a whole lot of extra containers and such.

In another window, I've used a table container and tried to space things
out. However, depending on what widget I put in a container dictates the
size of the rest of the row/column for other widgets. so If I put a
label widget in first, the column shrinks. Then I put a treeview below
it and the column stays shrunk. I can use the treeview properties to
make it fill to full width and height for that "cell" but it would be
nice if I could have greater control over that.

Any suggestions?

 .''`.      Carl B. Constantine
: :' :     duckwing duckwing ca
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