Re: GdkColor weird type? Why not pointer like GtkWidget*....

Am Mon, 2002-04-22 um 21.21 schrieb Christian Seberino:

> Then instead of:
> = 343;
> I could hopefully do:
>       (*Colors::myStaticColor).red = 343;
> or even better, Colors::myStaticColor->red = 343; 
> Hopefully I can then initialize things to make them look more like a class:
>        GdkColor* Colors::myStaticColor = (GdkColor*) 0;

Just for the sake of completeness:  If you really want to allocate a
GdkColor dynamically, you can do (in C++):

    GdkColor* color = new GdkColor;
    delete color; // delete it when you done with it

or, in both C and C++:

    GdkColor* color = g_new(GdkColor, 1); /* or g_new0(GdkColor, 1) */

g_new0() zero-initializes the allocated memory, too.  However, this
isn't correct if the struct contains pointers -- at least it isn't
portable (though GTK+ seems to rely on it sometimes).

Note 1:  This won't work in a static initializer, as you seem to use in
your example above.  You'd have to initialize the pointer with 0 first,
and allocate the memory at runtime.

Note 2:  Be careful not to mix delete and g_free().

Note 3:  Don't bother with dynamic allocation if it isn't needed ;)


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