suggestions on how add online docs to GUI?

Boss wants some online docs added to a GTK+ GUI....

I /could/ make a mouse driven pull down menu with "help" choice
which would be silly perhaps since only one menu.

I could make a "help" button that spawns another window
with text in it he wants.

Any other ideas??? Which is best??? I'm leaning towards
the help button but I dunno.  Sample GUIs on URLs to
see would be nice if you know any too.



| Dr. Christian Seberino  || (619) 553-7940  (office) |
| SPAWARSYSCEN 2363       || (619) 553-2836  (fax)    |
| 53560 HULL ST           ||                          |
| SAN DIEGO CA 92152-5001 || seberino spawar navy mil |

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