Re: Accessing context popup menues through keyboard

Luciano Chavez <lnx1138 us ibm com> writes:
> I have an app that displays a GtkCTree which registers a signal handler
> for the button_press_event. When the signal handler is invoked, it
> checks to see if the x and y pixel coordinates are within a valid row in
> the GtkCTree (I use gtk_clist_get_selection_info() to verify). If so, I
> see if the event button was for the right mouse button. If so, I create
> a context popup at x,y for the row corresponding to x & y.
> This all works fine and dandy. I want to support using SHIFT-F10 to
> access the context menu for a row. I can set up a hander for
> "key_press_event" and recognize SHIFT + GDK_F10 just fine. But now what?
> The GdkEventKey doesn't provide x & y coordinates. How do I get the x &
> y coordinates during the "key_press_event"?
> The whole point of allowing SHIFT-F10 is to attempt to make the app more
> accessible to folks with disabilities.

As an aside, CTree is pretty inherently not accessible by the definition
we're using for GNOME 2.

However the right thing to do for this is probably to pop up the menu
for the currently focused or selected row, isn't there a function on
ctree or clist to get the coordinates of a row?


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