Re: Active widgets

> From: Marco Lettere <lettere di unipi it>
> how can I obtain a widget which is able to respond to mouse-click events
> even if it is not a gtk button.
> I would like to create a progress bar which grows on a click of mouse
> button 1 and shrinks on a click of mouse button 2.
> is this possible with gtk/gdk? how?
> thanx,
> M.

This should be possible. Basically, you need to write your own widget,
probably derived from the existing progress bar widget, which handles
button_press events.

>  ____                 _____
> |  _ \  ___ ___  _ __| ____|
> | | | |/ __/ _ \| '__|  _|
> | |_| | (_| (_) | |  | |___
> |____/ \___\___/|_|  |_____|

I think you've passed the warlord with this one.

Ron Steinke

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