How to overgive a gtk-widget a funktion?

How can I overgive a gtk-widget or Object to an funktion?
An example: I want to use the widget spin in the funktion and ask the 
the spin-button value as int. For example some code:

gint funktion(??????????)
  gint wert;
  wert = get_value_as_int(??spin);

int main()
  GtkWidget *spin;
  GtkWidget *button;

  gtk_main(&argc, &argv)

  spin = Gtk_spin_button_new(some_parameters);

  gtk_signal_connect(button, "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC 
(funktion),?????? ; 


The Code is not right or complete of course,its only for exaple. So I 
want to ask the value of spin in the funktion - but I dont want to 
define spin global and I dont know how to get spin into the funktion so 
that I can use it. When I wrote ??? it mean that I dont know what I must 
So please if somebody know what I mean please right my code and send it 
back to the mailing-list. Thank you!
Mfg Linuxhippy 

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