Cursor and Progressbar


First of all, thanks for answering my previous question(s)!

I think there's something I don't understand about callbacks in
general. I'm having two problems right now:

I have a "Connect" button, and in its callback for "clicked" I call
gdk_window_set_cursor(GDK_WATCH), then call another function to perform
some tasks, and when this returns I call
gdk_window_set_cursor(GDK_LEFT_PTR) to return to the normal cursor. What
I hoped would happen was of course that while the function was
performing its tasks the cursor would turn into the watch, and would
revert afterwards. What actually happens is that after the function
returns the app changes to the watch and immediately back to the normal

The second problem is sort of similar. The "function" I mentioned above
loads a bunch of data from a database, and displays it in a GtkCList. So
I thought that each time the function called gtk_clist_append I could
also update the appbar progresbar. What actually happens is that when
all the data is loaded the progressbar goes straight (or very quickly)
to 1.0.

I would appreciate any help with those, whichever is easiest, explaining
to me or pointing to some document explaining it!

Thanks in advance!


| Dr. Fil Bonjour                   | Fil Bonjour                       |
| UNICAMP, IMECC, DMA - Room 328    | Rua Alberto de Salvo 53           |
| 13081-970 Campinas SP Brazil      | 13084-670 Campinas SP Brazil      |
| Phone: (++55.19) 3788.60.44       | Phone: (+55.19) 3289.77.84        |
| Fax:   (++55.19) 3289.14.66       |                                   |
| Email: bonjour ime unicamp br     | Email: fbonjour uol com br        |
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