Re: Gtk testing and quality control?

Eero Tamminen <eero tamminen creanor com> writes: 
> I've read most of the contents and browsed the source
> packages a bit but I still don't have a clear picture about how
> different Gtk projects (glib, atk, pango, gtk) handle testing and
> quality control (and how that is intended to be done in the future).
> Before releases, do you run any unit or regression tests?
> (GUI functionality is harder to test, but at least something
> can be tested :-))

There are a bunch of tests for GTK 2 that Sun has contributed.  These
are in GNOME CVS and will be used for GTK 2.

Traditionally, we rely on making only very very small changes in the
stable branch, and testing them by hand. It's important to make only
tiny changes because you can't do the usual release early/often beta
test cycle for the stable branch.

This will probably still be true for GTK 2, because the tests don't
have nearly 100% coverage.


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