Re: gtk_editable_copy_clipboard

Randy <slackwares_slacker yahoo com> writes:
> I've got  an application that uses a gtk_entry ( formatter->text_box ), I 
> wanted to copy all the elements in it to the clipboard so I wrote this code:
> gtk_editable_select_region( GTK_EDITABLE(formatter->text_box), 0, -1 );
> gtk_editable_copy_clipboard( GTK_EDITABLE(formatter->text_box) );
> The problem is that it does not seem to be copying it to the clipboard. Can 
> anyone explain why it isn't doing that? Does this only work under gnome or 
> something? Thanks.

This copies to the clipboard - which means middle button does NOT
paste it. Maybe this was the source of confusion... if so, read:


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