

I try to install GLIB-1.2.10 in my company machine.   It fails.

What I did are the followings:

1.    gzip -cd glib-1.2.10.tar.gz | tar xvf -
2.  cd glib-1.2.10
3.  modify configure file:
     ac_default_prefix=/usr/local                 ==>
      (/home/kzvp4x  is  my own home directory.     I am not root user)
4.  ./configure
5.  make
6.  make install

When I run into the step 6,  an error,  "corps_install
.libs/ /home/kzvp4x/lib/
./libtool: corps_install: not found" ,   occurred.

I attatch three log files, configure_log, make_log and install_log,   which
record all the infomations during configure, make and make install.

Could you give me some helps to indicate me where I am wrong?   I would rather


Changming Wang
(See attached file: configure_log)(See attached file: make_log)(See attached
file: install_log)

Attachment: configure_log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: make_log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: install_log
Description: Binary data

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