Re: Statically linked GTK app


On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Christian wrote:
> 1) the test programs that comes with gtk (testgtk, testtext,
> testtextbuffer, and other tha handle xpms) once you link them staticaly?

	Thank you for your suggestion!  I ran testgtk statically linked
and it started fine but when I clicked on some of the buttons (looked like
ones with xpm's in them), I got the same crash. 

> 2) if they do, try use gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d ()  without the
> colormap.

	I tried this too, and I noticed that if I have a NULL color_map,
pixmap_data (the return value from gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d) is NULL,
which causes another error.

	But if testgtk also fails, then it must be something wrong with
how I installed gtk -- perhaps an option that I used or something.  I'll
start looking in that area and hopefully will come up with something.  For
now, I think I'll stick with the error-free, warning-free
dynamically-linked one.

	Thanks a lot for all your help and even getting gtk-X11 from CVS
to try it; that's very much appreciated!  Thank you! 


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