Re: Some cut,copy and paste thoughts

On 31 May 2001 00:14:22 -0400, Owen Taylor wrote:

> > That is interesting code, I'll have to try and figure it out! Up until now I
> > only been doing the 1st check. What is the performance hit on this? Does it have
> > to contact the owner to get the info? Either way my comment is still the same,
> > it would be really nice to have a gdk wrapper around the whole thing.
> I think this code is quite specific to Mark's application; some other
> part of the code probably sets the property that he is checking
> specifically.
> While properties are set as part of the selection protocol, they won't
> be set until it starts, and they will be deleted afterwards.
> I don't see that there is any way to bypass the actual selection
> protocol; you have to ask for TARGETS or for the target you want and
> then wait for the response.

Yeah and that is when we might be taking a significant performance hit.
My concern here is that we are so concerned to do it exactly right, that
it never gets done at all. In my experience of cut & paste, 95% of the
time it is just straight text shuffling. Presumuably we are also heading
towards a world where the recieving app will be able to do something
sensible with whatever is being pasted.

I'd be interested in your thoughts.


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