Re: Data Types

Erik Mouw wrote:
> On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 01:19:20PM +1000, Helmethead wrote:
> Yes, because all 64 bit CPUs I know are RISC CPUs, they don't like
> anything else then their native format. So 64 bit CPUs want 64 bit
> variables (int is 64 bit), and 32 bit machines want 32 bit variables.

As a pedantic point, there's nothing in the C standard guaranteeing that
sizeof(int)==sizeof(int *) - CHAR_BIT*sizeof(int) is limited below by
32, and that's it. In fact, the sizes of the various types are compiler

gcc defines short int as a 16-bit type, int as a 32 bit type, long int
as a 32 bit type and long long int (which is standard in C99) as it's 64
bit type. Regardless of the platform. Bottom line: int doesn't have to
be a 64-bit type on a 64-bit platform, although it can be, dependant on
the compiler.

> Erik


David Neary,               E-Mail dave neary palamon ie
Palamon Technologies Ltd.  Phone +353-1-634-5059

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