Position of widgets

Is there anyway to position a widget relative to the position of other
Let's say I've 3 widget A, B and C. Now I want to put a new widget D
that has to be insert at the right side of A, at the left side of B and
upon C, for example.

It would look something like this

Before inserting D widget:

-------  -------
|  A  |  |  B  |
|     |  |     |
-------  -------
|      C       |
|              |

After inserting D widget:

----- ----- -----
| A | | D | | B |
|   | |   | |   |
----- ----- -----
|      C       |
|              |

Well, i hope someone is able to understand this :))
Could this be done in anyway?

Sorry for my bad english :)

Ignacio Nodal

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