Re: tooltip colors w/o theme

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Jeff Shipman wrote:
> >
> > So you make one tooltips widget, then use it to set a popup for evry
> > widget you want a tip to appear above.
> >
> Right, I've got my tooltips working great. All is good there.
> The only problem I'm having is changing the color. For some
> reason this is just refusing to work.
> My rc file looks like this:
> #style for tooltips
> style "tooltip_style" = "default"
> {
>    bg[NORMAL] = "#FFFE4BC4D"
> }
> widget "*tooltip_widget" style "tooltip_style"
> and I initialize my tooltips like this:
> /* Initialize Tooltips */
> gtk_rc_add_default_file("/u/jeff/xt3rc");
> ToolTips = gtk_tooltips_new();
> gtk_tooltips_set_delay(ToolTips, 1000);
> gtk_tooltips_force_window(ToolTips);
> gtk_widget_set_name(ToolTips->tip_window, "tooltip_widget");
> after this I use gtk_tooltips_set_tip() in various locations
> thoughout the program to set the actual tip, but I keep
> getting the default color. I've tried putting the
> gtk_rc_add_default_file() before the gtk_tooltips_new()
> and also after initializing the tooltips, but neither
> make a difference.

 AFAIR gtk_rc_add_default_file() only has effect if called before gtk_init()

 Probably gtk_rc_reparse_all() (or something like this) can help. 
 Or better gtk_rc_parse_string(string) as I suggested..

> It must be something very simple I'm overlooking. I
> appreciate your help and patience. :)

 Best regards,

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