Re: long menus

"Sebastian Geerken" <S Geerken ping de> writes:

> Hi,
> are there plans, or already implementations (I haven't looked yet at
> 1.3) on how to let the user control large menus which don't fit on the
> screen, e.g. by scrolling? 

Yes, scrolling menus hav been added in GTK+-1.3

Or does this depend on themes? I'm
> currently using a workaround, connecting the "select" signal of all
> menu items to this (unfinished) function:
>    void justify_menu_item (GtkWidget *widget)
>    {
>       int y, h, mx, my, sh;
>       y = widget->allocation.y;
>       h = widget->allocation.height;
>       gdk_window_get_geometry (widget->parent->parent->window,
>                                &mx, &my, NULL, NULL, NULL);
>       sh = gdk_screen_height ();
>       if (y + my < 0)
>          gdk_window_move (widget->parent->parent->window, mx, - y + 1);
>       else if (y + my > sh - h)
>          gdk_window_move (widget->parent->parent->window, mx, sh - h - y - 1);
>    }
> It works for me, but is really a bit hackish. Are there pitfalls why
> it may not work under certain circumstances?

You can find a workaround hack in the GNOME panel - I don't know
how general it is. Other people have used netscape-bookmarks style
continuation submenus.


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