Graph data structures

Dear gtk-list :-)

Although I've been looking through google and also over this mailing
list archive, I've not found what I was looking for.

My question is: is there anywhere a free and efficient graph data
structure handling library that I can use in plain C.

I thought that glib was the answer, but unfortunately it seems to only
provide a support for trees (binary and n-way) but not for graphs.

Is there an ongoing project in glib to add this kind of data type ?

Does any body know an other free library that might provide such a data
type ?


Jean-Michel Rouet (PhD)             | Tel   : +33 147 28 36 13
Philips Research LEP                | Fax   : +33 147 28 36 05
51, rue Carnot                      | email : Jean-Michel Rouet philips com
BP 301 - 92156 Suresnes Cedex

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