GtkCList & GtkScrolledWindow


im not a big fan of GtkCList, it takes a long long time to insert a lot
of rows, but i suppose its all we have, right?	 so. i was wondering, is
there a way to get the CList to request space for X rows, so the
ScrolledWindow its in adjusts the scroll bar correctly, or a way to
manually set the values in a ScrollBar so it adjusts?  

this way (at least, in my mind) i could insert the first 20 or so rows
that would be required for display, and set the scroll bar so it looks
like there are however many inserted, and then thread an insert function
to append the rest of the rows.

or, alternatively, can anyone tell me that the new GtkTreeView widget is
significantly better for inserting, say, 10000-50000 rows all at once? 
ive tested it a bit in Gtk+-1.3.6, and wasnt very impressed (in fact, it
seemed much much slower than GtkCList even).


Charlie Schmidt - <ishamael themes org>

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