Identifying a widget in any app.

  I'm hoping to start playing about with custom gktrc files that set
widget specific key bindings & the like, as appears to be possible.

  I know that bindings can be attached to widgets in an X-resource-like
'class/name.class/name...' definition (e.g., "GtkWindow*GtkButton"), but
my question is:

  Aside from trawling through the relevant app.'s code, is there any way
to easily identify a widget's full reference? Indeed, even *with* the
source, how would I get at it (e.g., printing it out in a test build)?

  And on that note - where's the best place to put that sort of thing? Is
there a standard GTK/GNOME to put app-specific gtkrc files? Or does
everything go in ~/.gtkrc.mine ?

=====================- -=====================
Neil Bird                          |  If this .signature   |
  work mailto:neil bird rdel co uk |  looks pants, then    | $> cd /pub
  personal mailto:neil fnxweb com  |  stop using Outlook!  | $> more beer

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