Re: 2 events with the GDK

Gibran Hasnaoui wrote:
> Because in a little program I done, when you click, it run a very long for(),
> and, what I want, is that a second click stop this boucle.
> I thought to use pthread, but is this the good way?

  I wouldn't, but you are going to have to figure out how your callback
tells whether it's the first or the second click (maybe using GLib's
StaticMutex - see the online GLib docs under 'threads'). Initially, you
may get away with a simple static int flag, though.

  Anyhow, the simple answer is that you need to perform a GTK main-loop
pass inside your for-loop (in order to process the mouse clicks, redraw,

  gtk_main_loop() calls can be nested, but what you want is the
single-pass call gtk_main_iteration_do(0)  ('0' for "non-blocking"). Put
that at the end of your for-loop, then set a flag upon the second click
(when your routine's called for the 'second' time) that can cause your
for-loop to terminate.

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Neil Bird                          |  If this .signature   |
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