spin buttons

I'm having a bit of difficulty with spin buttons. I
would like to have three spin buttons tied together,
one for the day, month, and year and then when
the day goes past the number of days in the month,
it goes back to one and increments the month. I've
been able to implement this inside the handler for
the spin button, but I also need to handle this
from another function. I would like to do this without
having to repeat the code a million times, and the
main thing I need is the click_child information
from the spin button. gtk_spin_button_spin() doesn't
set a click_child, and if I set it manually, it's
a pain to get it back to what it should be. Is there
a way to get a hold of the actual button that is
part of an adjustment and cause it to click? That
way, the click_child will actually be set.

Jeff "Shippy" Shipman     E-Mail: shippy nmt edu
Computer Science Major    ICQ: 1786493
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Homepage: http://www.nmt.edu/~shippy

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