gtk1.2 tutorial


I hope I've picked the correct list for my question. My apologies if not. 

I have just recently installed gnome on my system. I'm running  Debian 
potato, and I'm interested in trying my hand at some gtk programming. I've 
just started working through the tutorial. by Tony Gale and Ian Main  
When I try to compile, as instructed, the very first example in the tutorial 
I get the following error:

base.c:3: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory

I've done a "find" and sure enough I can't find this header file anywhere on 
my system.  Why don't I have this header file? Presumable there are likely to 
be others that are missing too right? How to I get them? 

Thanks very much in advance for any advice. I freely admit to being a 
pathetic amatuer when it comes to programming, but I want to learn. 


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