Re: Can I mix Xlib and Gtk+ in one app?

>>>> I'm writing an app using xlib, but I need some buttons and menus.

I've done this a little. It's dangerous, unsupported and will probably 
break if gtk/gdk changes much, but it does sort-of work.

- to keep gtk happy, you must do this several times a second:

     while( g_main_iteration( FALSE ) )

   this will fetch and process all outstanding events, including
   timeout, asynch reads from files, socket stuff, etc.

- before you start doing Xlib stuff, do a gdk_flush() to clear
   gtk's output buffer

- get gtk's Display with

     #include <gdk/gdkprivate.h>
     #include <gdk/gdkx.h>

     Display *my_display = gdk_display;

- do some XLib stuff, but make sure you only read events which
   you triggered ... put all other events back in the queue

- do an XFlush(), and hand control back to gtk

As Paul said though, you should not use Xlib. Use gtk/gdk instead, it's 
much better.


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