Re: forking heap question

>Neither do I think it's possible. Yet, it is so. Maybe a failed malloc()

no its not. virtual address spaces make it so. children have no access
to their parent's address space. global variables make no difference.

>or free() makes the child access a gtk widget it's not supposed to, via
>some globally defined variable. This is the offending code executed by
>the child (the complete file is xtree_cpy.c from program xftree of the
>xfce desktop environment with CVS at
>The recursive call makes the parent fail quickly. The non recursive call
>also makes it
>fail, as long as the child executes it the subroutined enough number of

have you checked that the recursion bottoms out? if the child uses all
of available RAM (physical and swap), the parent will make
a malloc call that returns NULL.

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