Re: vslider min at bottom

> From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow stud fbi fh-darmstadt de>
> Hi Jim
> > How do you specify that the minimum value of a vslider should be at the
> > bottom rather than the top?   On a similar topic , can i make a slider
> > work on a logarithmic scale?
> As Havoc wrote it's not possible directly. But you can "map" the values of
> the slider, when you connect a signal to GtkAdjustment "value-changed" event.
> So my solution would be
> - define th adjustment from 0 .. 100.
> - on the event make 100 - value and store it somwhere, where other
> funtions, which need the value of the slider can get it. Now you have
> slider with the min value at the bottom.
> Something similar applies to your logar logarithmic scale.

And if you want to be exceptionally clever, you can make a new object
derived from GtkAdjustment which implments this as a new signal.

Ron Steinke

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