Re: FreeBSD and GTK

Morten Post wrote:
> Greetings.
> I am having a problem with GTK development on my FreeBSD workstation.
> I can't seem to compile what I have done. I do the following:
> bash-2.05$ gcc foobar.c -o foobar `gtk-config --cflags --libs`
> bash: gtk-config: command not found
> foobar.c:3: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
> bash-2.05$
> And /usr/bin where I have gtk-config is already in my $PATH.
> Can you help me?
> Please notice that I am not subscribed on the list, please cc me or something.

What happens when you type "/usr/bin/gtk-config --cflags --libs" at the
prompt?  If you still get the error, check the first line of
"/usr/bin/gtk-config" and see what shell it is pointing to "#!/bin/sh"?
Make sure that shell exists. Then try "sh -x gtk-config --cflags --libs" 
and see where the error occurs.

If they're not putting secret messages to me in their music, then why
do they keep putting my picture on the other side of the CD's?

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