Re: setting clist row backgrounds

"Lee Mallabone" <lee0 callnetuk com> writes: 
>    gdk_color_parse ("0022ff", col);

It may simply be necessary to use "#0022ff" (i.e. add #)

>    gdk_colormap_alloc_color
> (gdk_window_get_colormap(GDMconfigurator->window),
>         col, TRUE, TRUE);
>    gtk_clist_set_background (GTK_CLIST (get_widget("sessions_clist")),
>         selected_session_row,
>         col);
> But this always gives me a really dubious coloured row background (red/pink
> usually), and definitely not what I specified to gdk_color_parse().
> I'm guessing this is me really missing something about the way GDK
> handles/allocates colours, rather than my use of the set_background() calls,
> but if anyone has any insight/examples to help with this, and retrieving a
> CList's desired row background GdkColor, I'd be grateful.

It appears that if you call set_background() with NULL for the color,
it unsets the background.


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