[Fwd: Concurrent processes]

 Tried.... and work fine for me....
 Thanks a lot...
 Valery Avaux
 Joshua Horvath a écrit :
 > Valery Avaux wrote:
 > >
 > > I don't really need to have totally threaded functions but I would
 > > to be able to change the values of two parameters while the main
part of
 > > the simulation runs. Here follows parts of the code I currently
 > [snip]
 > > I could try your suggestion:    while(gtk_events_pending())
 > > gtk_main_interation(), but I don't see where and who to do this...
 > > you could tell me....
 > It depends on how often you want the values of the scrollbars to be
checked.  If
 > you want to be able to update the values after every iteration, just
put the
 > while (gtk...) loop at the end of the isingflipl() function.  If you
don't need
 > this much control, put it inside the nbsweep loops.
 > e.g.
 > void isingflipl()
 > {
 >         [stuff]
 >         while (gtk_events_pending())
 >                 gtk_main_iteration();
 > }
 > or
 > if (genre == 1)
 >         for (i=0; i<nbsweep; ++i)
 >                 {
 >                 for (j=0; j<nbflip; ++j)
 >                         {
 >                         isingflip1();
 >                         }
 >                 s=magnet();
 >                 fprintf(ifp, "%d  %f\n",i,s);
 >                 while (gtk_events_pending())
 >                         gtk_main_iteration();
 >                 }
 > -Josh

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