Re: Hscale

On 2001.04.03 20:45:38 +0200 Valery Avaux wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to configure one scrollbar. I need to get the current value
> of the scrollbar so I have put signal handler with "value_changed" like
> this:
> gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT 5GTK_RANGE(temper) -> adjustment),
> "value_changed",, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_tempsc_value_changed), temper);
> It works but while in function on_tempsc_value_changed, I cannot get the
> current value. While compiling, i have "incompatible types in
> assignment"... What does taht mean and how to correct it ??
> Here is the function I used:
> void
> on_tempsc_value_changed			(GtkAdjustment		*adj,
> 					GtkRange	*scrollbar)
> {
>    temp = gtk_range_get_adjustment (scrollbar); 
>    printf("temp changed  %f\n", temp);
> }
> Thanks for you help

The correct way is to use int temp = adj->value; or int temp =
gtk_range_get_adjustment (scrollbar)->value


--   .-.    | Ronald Bultje                        |
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