Re: Gnotravex

On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 05:42:24PM -0400, Meghal Harish Varia wrote:
: Hello,
: I am interested in obtaining the source code for Gnotravex.  Could anyone
: tell me where I can get it.  I have redhat linux install, but I can't find
: it anywhere on my own machine.

Gnotravex comes with gnome-games package.
You may get the sources as tarball from Gnome site or mirrors
or find 'source rpm' (gnome-games-XXX.src.rpm) and either install
it (rpm -i gnome-games-XXX.src.rpm) or use 'mc' to get the included tarball.
If you choose 'install' option, 
the sources goes somewhere in /usr/src/ on RH by default.
If you want them to go to custom location
add something like this to ~/.rpmmacros :
%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpm
The above has the advantage you can 'install' src.rpm
as ordinary user.

Generally, you may query rpm to find out which package
contains particular program:
# rpm -qf `which gnotravex`


: Thanks,
: Meghal
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Rafał Kleger-Rudomin (klakier osi gda pl) 

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