Re: Widget question (does it exist?)

"David J. Topper" <topper virginia edu> writes:
> I've looked through the testgtk script and the examples.  Unfortunately
> I don't see what I'm looking for.  Here's a brief description:
> 1.  Insert little boxes, and be able to connect them like a graph
> 2.  Be able to click on connections and cut/paste them
> Even better:
> 1.  Insert GTK widgets (eg., range widget), and be able to connect them
> like a graph
> 2.  same as above
> Is there anything out there?

For custom displays the easiest solution is GnomeCanvas. If you need
to insert widgets only, then GtkLayout will work. If you need to
insert widgets and also custom drawing, etc. then the GnomeCanvas sort
of works but has some issues with the widgets (you can't draw on top
of them for example).


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