Re: Help CPU usage at 8.9% ?

My guess would be that the cpu usage results from the 100 millisecond timeout. I bet if you increased the timeout you would notice the cpu usage drop. You have to consider how much work the bar() method is doing... if it doing relatively a lot of work then that would explain the cpu usage.


Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:

I have this piece of code that when run, has a 9.0% cpu usage
 GtkWidget create_bars (void)
     71 {
     72         GtkWidget *lh, *table;
     73         int i, count, count1;
74 75 char buffer[20]; 76 77 table = gtk_table_new(_TWO, _TWTYTWO, FALSE); 78 79 vrule = gtk_vruler_new();
     80         gtk_ruler_set_metric( GTK_RULER(vrule), GTK_PIXELS );
     81         gtk_ruler_set_range( GTK_RULER(vrule), _TWOH, _NON, _NON,
     82         gtk_table_attach_defaults( GTK_TABLE(table),
     83                                    vrule,
     84                                    _NON,
     85                                    _NON,
     86                                    _ONE);
     87         gtk_table_set_col_spacings( GTK_TABLE (table),
     88                                      _FIVE);
89 90 for (i = _NON; i < _TWTY; i++)
     91         {
     92                 count1 = count = i;
     93                 count++;
     94                 count1++;
95 96 lh = gtk_level_hold_new(_TWOH,
     97                                          _TEN,
     98                                          GTK_LEVEL_HOLD_FADE,
     99                                          _EIGHT,
    100                                          _THREE,
    101                                          _TWO);
102 103 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(table), lh, _NON, _NON,
    104                 gtk_table_attach_defaults( GTK_TABLE(table),
    105                                            lh,
    106                                            count,
    107                                            count + _ONE,
    108                                            _NON,
    109                                            _ONE);
110 111 sprintf(buffer, "Label%d", i); 112 113 label = gtk_label_new (buffer);

			gtk_table_attach_defaults( GTK_TABLE(table),
    115                                            label,
    116                                            count1,
    117                                            count1 + _ONE,
    118                                            _ONE,
    119                                            _TWO);
120 121 gtk_timeout_add(100, bar, lh);
    122         }
123 124 return table; 125 126 }
I really do not understand why such high cpu usage. On top of that, when I
put this in my application which has a whole lot of other things, the cpu
usage goes to 20%. However, my application without the above code, has
less that 1% cpu usage. Can any one PLEASE help...

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