Re: C Gtk, ada and gnat

jones wrote:
> I have a problem that you may be able to help with I have a C Gtk program
> that interfaces with a ada program, I have compressed the C program in to
> *.o files and the packed them in to *.a file and then try to link them to
> the ada program but in linking the ada link program can not find any of the
> Gtk calls, I need a way to compile the program.

you need to tell gnatmake to link with the gtk libraries.

$ gnatmake -L/path/to/my/c-lib my_ada_main -largs -lmy_c_lib -largs
`gtk-config --libs`

Johan Groth (xghjn)	    ! Tel. mobil: 0703 - 24 25 27
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