Problems with gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings

It seems to me that whenever I use gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings(),
the entry widget in the combo box gets set to whatever the first item
in the popdown list is. Is there any way to prevent this from
happening? I want to be able to modify my dropdown list while keeping
the current text in the entry widget of the combo box.

Also, it seems that gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings causes
the "select-child" signal to be emitted. Is there any way
to prevent this as well? Also, is that the signal I want
to use for each time an item in the dropdown list is selected?
I tried "selection-changed", but that didn't seem to work
(although set_popdown_strings causes that one to be
emitted as well.)
Jeff "Shippy" Shipman     E-Mail: shippy cs nmt edu
Computer Science Major    ICQ: 1786493
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

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