Re: [gtk-list] Re: Html and Text/Edit widget

On Thu, 04 May 2000 15:02:03 -0500, Douglas Straub said:

> Thomas Mailund wrote:
>  > >>>>> "D" == Douglas Straub <> writes:
>  >
>  >  D> Hi, Does Gtk have a text widget that displays html?  I briefly
>  >  D> looked at
>  >
>  >  D> the Text widget documentation, and it didn't seem to be a
>  feature.
>  >  D> Non-editable, display only is fine.  Is
>  >
>  >  D> there a third party widget that does this?
>  >
>  > There is gtkhtml (I think it is) in the gnome libs.
>  Thanks.  Sure enough, there is a "libgtkxmhtml", and it apparently is
>  provided
>  by libgnome-devel,  but I can't
>  find a description of what it does.	If anyone has any
>  pointers(api,documentation), please let me know.	Doug

Ok, there are at this time two HTML widgets that are Gtk'ized... One is
ancient and unsupported and depreciated, etc... that is XmHTML... This is
a dead project, and has quite a few limitations.  The other is GtkHTML
and it is brand new... it is not even at version 1.0 yet, and is only
avail from Gnome's CVS repository (checkout module gtkhtml, it depends on
gnome-print which in turn depends on gnome-xml, also it needs gdk-pixbuf)
 GtkHTML is a fairly complete widget, rendering HTML much better than
XmHTML... it also has hooks to use as an HTML editor, and current CVS
included search and replace functionality, as well as cut/copy/paste ...

It supports forms, and uses gtk widgets for form elements.. it has a few
minor bugs in form support... It does NOT support frames, nor all HTML
elements correctly.. (it tends to screw up align="center" fairly often) 
But all in all it is a good HTML widget, and is being actively developed,
so it gets better everyday...

I support both HTML widgets in my program CSCMail, (A gtk e-mail
client... and I highly recomend GtkHTML
if you are going to use any HTML widget in your code... there are Perl
bindings for both as well, (available from Gnome's CVS tree as module
gnome-perl) although the perl bindings for GtkHTML haven't kept up with
the widget and as such do not support search/replace and some other new
features.  (hint hint to gnome-perl maint.)

Just some food for thought...


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