scrolled window


ok I wanna display a CList into an scrolled window.
that works perfect..
but I also want to have a ruler on top of the CList.
so I added a vbox using (gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport), cuz didnt
let me use gtk-container-add..
and then I added the ruler and the clist to the vbox.
works ok..BUT when I scroll down the scrolledwindow, it scrolls down the
whole vbox...and I just want ti to scroll down the CList, cuz I want to
keep the ruler at a fixed position on top of the CList.
there's anyway that I can do that??

somebody help me plz!!

scrolling left-right works OK, (even its kinad slow).
(the ruler is as long as the CList is..why? no idae)...doesnt matter what
metric/range I use...rhe ruler adapts it scale to be as long as the CList
and daz ok.

thanks ...


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