Re: Crash on exit

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, David Benson wrote:
> > > 	- set LD_PRELOAD to something which contains a g_atexit
> > > 	  which does nothing.
> this was really the best suggestion b/c of the problems you
> noted.  (ps open files are closed by the system (even with _exit)
> but they aren't flushed).  man;  portable to most based
> systems probably :)
> then the only problem is the rather unnecessary stuff gtk
> registers with g_atexit.  grep for g_atexit through the source...
> i can't think of what it could really have to do.
> sorry if this is hard to understand, but i gotta go,
> dave

Hmm, I should have .c file with a call to g_atexit() that does nothing
or define a function called g_atexit() that does nothing?

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