Re: C question wrote:
> You should consider declaring your structure like that
> typedef struct a_item{
> g_char b[ MAX_G_CHAR_SIZE ];
> } A_ITEM;
> Use strcpy or iits equivalent to copy it. I think that's a good way to
> do that because g_malloc will that allocate the right size for you.
> Your code did not allocate space for the text string.

There's another bullet waiting for a foot there. You have to be certain
your string is no longer than MAX_G_CHAR_SIZE or you could end up with a
hard to chase down segfault. This is the stuff buffer overflows are made

You can insure the size either by putting a NULL at MAX_G_CHAR_SIZE-1 in
your string before you do your strcpy, or you could use one of the
non-standard strncpy functions. If strncpy is not included on your
version of UNIX, you might consider implementing it for personal use.

Bruce Ide                                  
"C has all the power of assembly language combined with all the ease of
programming of assembly language."

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