Color questions

A couple of color-related questions:

1. I am fiddling with the drawing the focus rectangle and have been using the
   "style->black" as the foreground and "style->bg[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(widget)]"
   to clear it.  Any obvious problems with using the foreground color based on
   widget state instead of black?

2. In cases of GC's with XOR as their function, to get it to behave properly
   when drawing, should I do the obvious and set the foreground to the XOR of
   the current foreground and background colors and the background to 0, or is
   there some theme pitfall I should be aware of?
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab            Once you fully apprehend the vacuity of a
New Mexico State University       life without struggle, you are equipped
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL             with the basic means of salvation.
Las Cruces, NM  88003                            -- Tennessee Williams

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