Re: overlaping widgets.

Linus Larsson <> writes:
> Hello, I'm making a mapeditor for tilebased games and have a question.
> The area where you draw the tiles is a GtkScrolledWindows, in there I got a 
> viewport with a table attached to it.
> The table consists of width * height number of cells where width and height 
> are number of tiles on the map.
> In every cell I put a GtkImage, all is good (Maybe a bit inefective on the 
> memoryside though). But now to the question.
> I wan't another layer in the mapeditor, one for the background (done), and 
> one for the sprites. Is there anyway in GTK+
> to overlapp widgets? in this case the table.
> If I have done a seriuos design flaw here please tell me what could be my 
> options (I'm pretty new to GTK+).
> Is a GtkDrawingArea the way to go?

Yes, you need to be looking at drawing area or a canvas instead of a
big table full of widgets. Results will be much nicer.


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