For GTK development team (Dynamic label support)

To GIMP development team:

It would be nice if GTK+ supported dynamic label binding much like X
does with its resource files.  This would allow for multilingual support
without needing to rework any code.

What I can propose as a work around for now is a little bit of reworking
in the gtklabel files.  Some sort of token would need to represent the
label.  Personally I like '$label' which could then be decoded by a
hooked decode function which could do any other funky stuff you might
want to do dynamically.

    Ex:    If your label is:    $label=labelInTheResourceFile
    We would then go looking up in the resource file
'labelInTheResourceFile' and associate the corresponding label

    Ex.    label labelInTheResourceFile "Label in the resource file"

Why the hooked function?  Well if the GtkLabel struct has a member to a
function pointer for decoding we could manually alter labels
dynamically.  So you could probably create new keywords to your own
decode functions.

    Ex.    If your label is:    $hostname=
    And your hooked function is:    void getHostName(gchar *str)

The each time the expose function is called, it analyses the label and
sees that it is not an explicit label nor a reference to a label
contained in a resource file.  It therefore calls the hooked function
which subsequently calls getHostByName with the string.

To resume:

    Add a function to set the hooked (externally defined) decode
function which is by default NULL.
        Ex: gtk_label_set_decode_function(gchar *decode_function);

    Add storage for the pointer to the function.
        Ex. void *pDecodeFunction;

    Add storage for the original string...
        Ex. gchar *srcLabel;

    Add a check in the expose function for the "$??=" check and extract
the name of the token.
        Ex. $label=... or $hostname=... or $data=...

For $label perform a check directly into the resource file... (Which
should be stored somewhere with the styles in memory so that everything
is the same)  then do a something like:

        label->label = getFromResourceFile("labelInResourceFile");    //
Looks up in memory the already stored char string

    For any other token call hooked decode function:

        label->label = *decodeFunction("hostname");    // Obviously
replace by a variable not a constant...

And voila you should be able to have dynamic binding of labels...  This
is something for you developers to seriously look at.  I would code this
if only I had the time... <damn>

File view:

In gtklabel.h:
struct _GtkLabel
  GtkMisc misc;

  gchar    *label;
  gchar    *src_label;
  GdkWChar *label_wc;
  gchar    *pattern;
  gchar    *decode_function;

  GtkLabelWord *words;

  guint   max_width : 16;
  guint   jtype : 2;
  gboolean wrap;
void gtk_label_set_decode_function(const gchar *func);    // Can be NULL

In gtklabel.c:
void gtk_label_set_decode_function(const gchar *func)
    decode_function = func;
static gint
gtk_label_expose (GtkWidget      *widget, GdkEventExpose *event)
    label->srcLabel = label->label;

    strToken = gtk_is_token(label->label);    // If a token is found,
label->label is what is found after $token=
    if (strToken != '\0')
        if (strcmp(strToken, "label") == 0)
            label->label = getFromResourceFile(label->label);
            label->label = label->decode_function(strToken,
label->label);    // Must be defined in your source code...
    // do the normal processing...

There are things missing and I know...  But like I said I don't have
time to write this code...  If I did I would not submit this request I
would finish off this brief 'pseudocode'.

Missing points:

    -Loading the strings from the resource file (const gchar
*getFromResourceFile(const gchar *str))
    -Parsing the token and label (const gchar *gtk_is_token(gchar *str))

    -Some initialisation of added members (decode_function and
    -Testing and debugging (obviously...)

Anyways keep this in mind.  This would be an excellent bit of added
flexibility and functionality.  You also may want to opt for something
more like X Windows and Motif do:

    grandparent.parent.childname=Label in the resource file

But my structure adheres more to the current GTK+ resource format and is
more flexible for user defined functions and data manipulations.

Long live dynamic labelling...  Happy coding code gurus...

Kristopher Kycia

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