Repost - another clist question

I posted this on Firday but didn't get any response. Could someone please
help me?

----- Original Message -----
Hi Guys,

I have a clist inside a scrolledwindow. The clist gets updated periodically.
My problem is that when the user is scrolled down off the original page, if
the clist gets updated the scroll bar jumps back up to the top of the clist.
Is there any way to prevent this? Other than looking at the v adjustment of
the scrollbar and setting it after the refresh (which I haven't tried yet)?


| Miranda Hawarden-Ogata             Email: |
| NASA IRTF, Institute of Astronomy  Phone: (808) 974-4206               |
| 1175 Manono St., Bldg 393            Fax: (808) 974-4207               |
| Hilo, HI 96720                                                         |

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