Re: [gtk-list] Re: gnome-perl: signal_connect_after

On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 12:06:47PM -0600, Noonian wrote:
> Here's a snippet of the relevant section (the 'activate' handler is
> commented out since I found the spacebar was triggering it when I added the
> key_press_event handler; i now call the activate handler explicitly from
> the key_press_event handler on a Return keypress):
> sub new {
> #...
>     $input_line->signal_connect_after('key_press_event', 
> 				      \&input_key_pressed_event, 
> 				      $self);
> #    $input_line->signal_connect('activate', \&input_line_activated,
> $self);
> #...
> }
> #...
> sub input_key_pressed_event {
>     my ($entry, $self, $event) = @_;
>     print "key pressed!\n";
>     return 0;
> }

This is a problem with the return value of signal handlers:
that last one overwrites whatever the previous handlers returned.
Note that this is a general problem, not related to the perl binding.
You should return TRUE if you handle the event and don't want
it to propagate, check the documentation and/or the mail archives.
It doesn't seem you need connect_after() here though, so you better
use a simple connect().


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