I wonder if you could help me with a problem I'm
having with the gtk_curve widget.
I want to use a curve to control and edit the
animation of a character in an avatar customisation application. Editing
the spline curve and getting points from the curve using
gtk_curve_get_vector works fine. However it is important to be able
to save and reload the curves. To test reloading I have defined an
array of gfloats
gfloat start[]={0.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 180.0}; and I would like to set up a spline curve using
these points. I realise that gtk_curve_set_vector sets the curve type to
GTK_CURVE_TYPE_FREE so I then set the curve type to
Here's the code:
curveY = gtk_curve_new
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box1), curveY, TRUE, TRUE, 2); gtk_curve_set_range(GTK_CURVE (curveY), 0.0, 200.0, -180.0, 180.0); gtk_curve_set_vector (GTK_CURVE (curveY), 5, start); gtk_curve_set_curve_type(GTK_CURVE (curveY), GTK_CURVE_TYPE_SPLINE); gtk_widget_show(curveY); Unfortunately this doesn't work... If I miss out the gtk_curve_set_curve_type then I get five straight lines at the right height for the five values in the array, so I assume the proble is in the conversion form free to spline curve type. Please help! Thanks in advance, Alex Daltas |